So, I was walking to the Commons at school, heading up to where my friends hang out, when I saw it written in chalk on a wall.
"They condemn what they don't understand."
This was originally said by
Marcus Tullius Cicero. As I read it, I wasn't sure what to think. Growing up, I was always against "being judged" or "judging others".... but it seems that more and more I begin to question that. It's not that I think that we should condemn or judge everything that we don't understand, or even disagree with. But, have we taken tolerance too far? Should everything be acceptable? Should people be allowed to live however they want, to act in any way that they please?
Obviously, this is impossible. The desires of one often cross those of others. Our laws keep us from harming each other.
But, is that all that our laws have become? Are they simply there to guarantee the rights of people? A part of me is okay with this.... But a part of me is asking what ever happened to the morality of our laws?
Have we become the madmen that Nietzsche spoke of? Have we killed God?
As our society moves away from religion, the morality that goes with it is pointless. What are we left with? People's rights? Where do they come from? Is anything wrong? Are we to become gods, making our own truths?
Where are we to go from this? What's the next step? I'm afraid to think of where we will be in forty or fifty years. When even truth is subjective, what is impossible?
This is my comfort: my God is not dead.... and my Savior was dead, but is now alive! I know the Truth. My feet are upon the Rock. What do I have to fear?